The purpose of information provision is to enable family members to understand the nature of the service being provided for the young person in a manner that invites and encourages their involvement.

Information can initially be provided via a telephone call and supplemented with printed resources that can be posted or emailed. It does not require face-to-face contact with the caregiver.

At a minimum, provide information about the nature of the service, the range of service types on offer, and the reasons why family involvement is encouraged. These reasons are:

  • Strong evidence that family involvement increases engagement of young people in services and improves outcomes;
  • The fact that most young people want to have good relationships with family members even if there have been serious problems in the past, and
  • Evidence that support from family members helps young people to better manage health compromising issues and behaviours such as AOD, offending and mental health issues.

Family members will vary in their level of interest in receiving further information on an ongoing basis.

At a minimum parents can be ‘kept in the loop’ about key developments in the progress of their child, especially in the case of adolescents who are 15 years or younger.

Whether or not the family wants to be involved with the care and support process, information can also be provided about the range of family support services that are available in the community.

For parents and caregivers wanting more involvement, information provision becomes integrated with education and other elements.

Introduce, and if possible describe, 5 positive parenting practices that help prevent or reduce problems such as substance misuse in adolescents:

  1. Be good role models (especially in terms of responsible alcohol use)
  2. Increase positive communication
  3. Monitor the adolescents’ whereabouts
  4. Do some enjoyable things together
  5. Setting expectations and limits

NOTE: Information provision will be greatly facilitated by the development of several printed brochures or booklets, particular to the service setting, for workers to provide to parents / caregivers.