Problem solving skills are essential in ACRA. They are general life skills that are valuable beyond the treatment experience. Training young people in problem solving skills teaches them how to manage problems that come up in life, potentially reducing the likelihood they will need to use substances to manage situations.  Problem solving skills increase young people’s sense of self-efficacy and self-esteem. With problem solving techniques, young people can see that no matter how insurmountable a problem may appear, it can always be broken down into small steps and overcome (Godley, Meyers et al, 2001).

Attached are two problem solving worksheets which can be used with young people to assist them through the process as outlined below. 

The 6 key steps of problem solving are:

  • Recognise a problem
  • Define a problem
  • Generate alternative solutions
  • Decide on one solution
  • Try out the chosen solution
  • Evaluate the outcome

This problem solving process is described in detail in the C3 section of CBT, and as applied to working with families in F7