Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League (2010) HANDY HINTS. AVIL, Canberra, ACT. Retrieved from

Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League (n.d.) AVIL youtube clip, Canberra, ACT. Retrieved from (accessed June 30 2013)

Flemen, K. (2008 ed)  Safer Injecting Resource Pack KFx, UK.

Retreived from

Note on Flemen resource: Copyright

The pack is © KFx 2004-2008. It can be downloaded and reproduced in-house without charge. If organisations wish to use multiple copies (e.g. for training) permission should be sought before reproducing materials herein. Such permission will be granted for all not-for-profit purposes.

Moreland Hall Productions (n.d.) How to use a wheel filter - ReGen

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