Practitioners can help their clients to identify and understand the particular triads of thoughts, emotions and behaviours that affect their lives. This awareness can provide the impetus for young people to work towards finding constructive solutions that address the problems associated with overwhelming emotions in their lives.

G5ii. Overcoming barriers to healthy emotions

This element from Dialectical Behaviour Therapy demonstrates how thoughts, emotions, and behaviours work in a triad to establish vicious cycles of negative emotions and excessive behavioural reactions. This element guides practitioners in how to help clients to explore how this process is working in their own life.

C4ii. Understanding thoughts, feelings and facts

This element from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy the client is having difficulty understanding and/or applying the ‘Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviours’ Triad to their situation, or is very attached to their way of viewing the world. This element explores the difference between thoughts and feelings in depth. It also spends considerable time demonstrating that thoughts are not the same as facts, and teaching methods for challenging thoughts that are not helpful